
In this small tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the essential features of pygamma-agreement.

Loading the data

Let’s say we have a short recording of some human speech, in which several people are chatting. Let’s call these people Robin, Maureen and Marvin. We asked 3 annotators to annotate this audio file to indicate when each of these people is talking. Each annotated segment can be represented as a tuple of 3 information:

  • Who is speaking (“Marvin”)

  • Segment start (at 3.5s)

  • Segment end (at 7.2s)

Obviously, our annotators sometimes disagree on who might be talking, or when exactly each person’s speech turn is starting or ending. The Gamma inter-annotator agreement enables us to obtain a measure of that disagreement.

We’ll first load the annotation into pygamma-agreement’s base data structure, the Continuum, made to store this kind of annotated data.

from pygamma_agreement import Continuum
from pyannote.core import Segment

continuum = Continuum()
continuum.add("Annotator1", Segment(2.5, 4.3), "Maureen")
continuum.add("Annotator1", Segment(4.6, 7.4), "Marvin")
continuum.add("Annotator1", Segment(8.2, 11.4), "Marvin")
continuum.add("Annotator1", Segment(13.5, 16.0), "Robin")

continuum.add("Annotator2", Segment(2.3, 4.5), "Maureen")
continuum.add("Annotator2", Segment(4.3, 7.2), "Marvin")
continuum.add("Annotator2", Segment(7.9, 11.2), "Robin")
continuum.add("Annotator2", Segment(13.0, 16.1), "Maureen")

continuum.add("Annotator3", Segment(2.5, 4.3), "Maureen")
continuum.add("Annotator3", Segment(4.6, 11.5), "Marvin")
continuum.add("Annotator3", Segment(13.1, 17.1), "Robin")

If you were to show the continuum variable in an jupyter notebook, this is what would be displayed:

showing a continuum in a jupyter notebook

The same image can also be displayed with matplotlib by using :

from pygamma_agreement import show_continuum
show_continuum(continuum, labelled=True)

Setting up a dissimilarity

To measure our inter-annotator agreement (or disagreement), we’ll need a dissimilarity. Dissimilarities can be understood to be like distances, although they don’t quite satisfy some of their theoretical requirements.

In our case, we want that dissimilarity to measure both the disagreement on segment boundaries (when is someone talking?) and segment annotations (who’s talking?). Thus, we’ll be using the CombinedCategoricalDissimilarity, which uses both temporal and categorical data to measure the disagreement between annotations.

Since we think that eventual categorical mismatches are more important than temporal mismatches, we’ll assign a greater weight to the former using the alpha (for temporal mismatches) and beta (for categorical mismatches) coefficients.

from pygamma_agreement import CombinedCategoricalDissimilarity

dissim = CombinedCategoricalDissimilarity(alpha=1, beta=2)

Computing the Gamma

We’re all set to compute the gamma agreement now!

gamma_results = continuum.compute_gamma(dissim)
print(f"The gamma for that annotation is f{gamma_results.gamma}")

As a side note: the computation of the gamma value requires that we find the alignment with lowest possible disorder (this being condition by the dissimilarity that was chosen beforehand). We can easily retrieve that alignment, and display it (if we’re in a jupyter notebook):

showing a continuum in a jupyter notebook

The same image can also be displayed with matplotlib by using :

from pygamma_agreement import show_alignment
show_alignment(gamma_results.best_alignment, labelled=True)

The whole example

Here’s the full quickstart code example, for convenience:

from pyannote.core import Segment

from pygamma_agreement import (CombinedCategoricalDissimilarity,

continuum = Continuum()
continuum.add("Annotator1", Segment(2.5, 4.3), "Maureen")
continuum.add("Annotator1", Segment(4.6, 7.4), "Marvin")
continuum.add("Annotator1", Segment(8.2, 11.4), "Marvin")
continuum.add("Annotator1", Segment(13.5, 16.0), "Robin")

continuum.add("Annotator2", Segment(2.3, 4.5), "Maureen")
continuum.add("Annotator2", Segment(4.3, 7.2), "Marvin")
continuum.add("Annotator2", Segment(7.9, 11.2), "Robin")
continuum.add("Annotator2", Segment(13.0, 16.1), "Maureen")

continuum.add("Annotator3", Segment(2.5, 4.3), "Maureen")
continuum.add("Annotator3", Segment(4.6, 11.5), "Marvin")
continuum.add("Annotator3", Segment(13.1, 17.1), "Robin")

dissim = CombinedCategoricalDissimilarity(alpha=1, beta=2)

gamma_results = continuum.compute_gamma(dissim)

print(f"The gamma for that annotation is f{gamma_results.gamma}")