Welcome to pygamma-agreement’s documentation!

pygamma-agreement is a Python library used to measure the γ inter-annotator agreement, defined by Mathet et Al. in “The Unified and Holistic Method Gamma for Inter-Annotator Agreement Measure and Alignment” . It features an easy-to-use API and a a command line interface (CLI) for those that prefer using regular shell scripts for their data processing tasks.


The package is available on pip. Just run

$ pip install pygamma-agreement

Pygamma-agreement uses the GNU Linear Programming Kit as its default Mixed Integer Programming solver (critical step of the gamma-agreement algorithm). Since it is quite slow, you can install the CBC solver and its official python API. To use those in pygamma-agreement, simply install them:

  • Ubuntu/Debian : $ sudo apt install coinor-libcbc-dev

  • Fedora : $ sudo yum install coin-or-Cbc-devel

  • Arch Linux : $ sudo pacman -S coin-or-cbc

  • Mac OS X :
    • $ brew tap coin-or-tools/coinor

    • $ brew install coin-or-tools/coinor/cbc pkg-config


$ pip install "pygamma-agreement[CBC]"


A bug in GLPK causes the standart ouput to be polluted by non-deactivable messages. If you expect to use standart output for informative or parsing purposes, it is strongly advised to use the CBC solver.